Playlist #148

Playlist #148 starts with two videos that really stuck out to me recently. First, Freddie Gibbs is back with a new one featuring Schoolboy Q. The anthropomorphic video is a fun animated edition highlighting a cute gangster bunny rabbit The rabbit is riding dirty with a gun and a blunt, robbing a dice game ran by rats, and includes a twerking corgi. Its art.

Next up is Berkeley’s own Rexx Life Raj. In this new video off the California Poppy 2 release, Rexx dons the “Rich Guy Helmet” for a day on the town. Some basketball at the park, a stroll down Telegraph, and a picnic by the water.

Fendi P’s new album was featured here on the last playlist, and makes another appearance on this one. Fendi might have the first great rap album of the year.

Finally there is one from the newer Mistah FAB album. The tape has a nice Bay slap/bringing hyphy back vibe that I’m digging


Playlist #149


Playlist #147